To underrate oneself is to make low estimate about yourself. Inspire yourself if you have nobody to inspire you at that particular moment. Humans are gifted with great abilities from the Most High God.
It is possible to undertake your plans if you don't underrate yourself. You are superior in your territory, so don't underrate your real self to look inferior.
You are good for something if you pave way for yourself to start it. We are all born with special and different inabilities in life in this world . You are genius and I'm encouraging you to exploit your abilities .
A lot of people are successful today;some successful people were not born with silver spoon in their mouth, but rather they inspired themselves or by a great person in the society.
It is often noted that don't compare yourself to others but I will put in a context that compare yourself to those that have achieved greater height in life with yourself to know your position in life.
Life is not a race or for the swift but it is the matter of undertaking something today to become successful someday to come. Socialize with ambitious people in the society, people with the aim to achieve a greater height in life.
Be versatile to adapt new skills to improve upon yourself. You are born to shine and bright like the morning sun therefore I encourage you not to underrate yourself in life.
